Tenchu: Stealth Assassins Guide (PlayStation)
~by tankMage (June 2024)
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I was really into the Tenchu series in the early 2000s, but lost track of it over the years. While I played the sequel to Stealth Assassins as well as a few of the later titles, I never got around to playing this game until now. The PS1 one saw the birth (or rebirth) of many genres, particularly the stealth genre and Tenchu is easily one of the best games of its kind for the console. Writing this guide was both a challenge and a joy since this is the first stealth game I have done a walkthrough for. As always, I hope this guide is useful and I appreciate you choosing it!
1. Basics (Controls, Items, Playable Characters, Stealth and The Ki-Meter)
2. Hints and Tips
3. Walkthrough
3a. Mission 1: Punish the Evil Merchant
3b. Mission 2: Deliver the Secret Message
3c. Mission 3: Rescue the Captive Ninja
3d. Mission 4: Cross the Checkpoint
3e. Mission 5: Execute the Corrupt Minister
3f. Mission 6: Infiltrate the Manji Cult
3g. Mission 7: Destroy the Foreign Pirate
3h. Mission 8: Cure the Princess
3i. Mission 9: Reclaim the Castle
3j. Mission 10: Rescue the Princess
4. References
1. Basics
This section covers the fundamentals of gameplay in Tenchu: Stealth Assassins.
Command | Buttons |
Move | D-Pad |
Jump | X |
Super Jump (High Jump) | Double Tap Up then hit X |
Back Flip | Down + X |
Stealth (Crouch) | Hold Right Shoulder Button |
Look Around | Left Shoulder Button, use D-Pad to move camera |
Roll | Hold Right Shoulder Button, then Double Tap Left/Right/Up/Down |
Backstep/Forward Step/Sidestep | Double Tap Left/Right/Up/Down |
Hang from Ledges | Jump or fall near a ledge, then push Up |
Move Left or Right while Hanging | Press Left/Right on the D-Pad |
Climb onto a Ledge | Press Up while Hanging |
Drop from Ledges | Push Down while Hanging |
Attack with Sword/Knives | Square (Press repeatedly to Combo) |
Thrust Sword/Knives | Up, Up, Square |
Sweeping Slash with Sword/Knives | Left/Right Square |
Use Item | Triangle (some items can be aimed using D-Pad) |
Select Item | Left/Right Triggers |
View Map | Select |
Pause | Game Start |
Rikimaru and Ayame can take up to fifteen items on a mission. Only four types of items can be selected for a mission. For example, it is impossible to take medicine, smoke bombs, mines, grenades, and caltrops on a mission even if they do not total fifteen. Free items often appear in missions and it is possible to pick them up even if you have a “full’ inventory. Completing missions will refill your stock of items.
Multicolored Rice: Used to mark places on the map. Not very useful, especially if you are referring to this guide.
Caltrops: Pointy spikes that Rikimaru or Ayame can throw on the ground to slow pursuers down. Helpful, but there are better things to bring along.
Grappling Hook: Always in the player’s inventory. Allows Rikimaru and Ayame to latch onto surfaces, then pull themselves up. Vital for any mission.
Grenade: A small bomb. This thing is basically an ultimate weapon that can devastate bosses and standard enemies alike. Take a few of these along for just about every mission.
Medicine (Healing Potion): Fully heals the player. Great to have for boss fights and it is always worth having one or two on hand for emergencies.
Poison Rice: These rice balls will attract any enemy that sees them. The victim will pick up and eat the rice, leaving him vulnerable to attack. If ingested, the poison will cause the enemy to double over in agony for a few seconds. Players can pick up uneaten rice balls. One of the most useful items in the game.
Shuriken: A small throwing weapon. Does a bit of damage. Not good in a fight, because enemies will try to dodge it, but great for killing dogs.
Mine: Explodes when stepped on. A powerful weapon, but grenades are far easier to deploy.
Smoke Bomb: Creates a cloud of gas that stuns enemies. Useful for distracting foes and slipping past them.
Lightfoot Scroll: A reward for getting Grand Master on the first stage. Allows Ayame/Rikimaru to speed across the ground, but only works for a few seconds. The effect of this scroll is canceled if you fall or collide with something.
Fire-Eater Scroll: Mission 2 Grand Master prize. Using this scroll will cause your ninja to spew flames. This move is slow and difficult to pull off. It’s better to just bring grenades or mines instead.
Protection Amulet: Receive this after getting Grand Master on the third mission. Boosts damage and defense. A good choice for boss fights (though it takes time to activate the amulet) and for players who like to fight their way through stages.
Sleeping Gas: Instantly knock a guard unconscious. This item can be aimed and is great for disabling difficult to reach enemies. Prize for earning Grand Master in mission 4.
Ninja Armor: Given to players who get Grand Master on mission 5. Reduces damage by 30%. Extremely helpful.
Shadow Decoy: Mission 6 Grand Master bonus. Creates a balloon that distracts guards.
Resurrection Leaf: Stage 7 Grand Master reward, brings the player back to life after he dies. Does not work if you fall down a pit.
Chameleon Spell: Transforms Rikimaru or Ayame into an enemy for a about 20 seconds. While disguised, the player can walk past most foes without being noticed. Dogs can see through the illusion. Bumping into an enemy or attacking will also break the spell. Stage 8 Grand Master item.
Dog Bone: Given to the player for beating Mission 9 with Grand Master rank. Summons a ninja dog when used. The dog will sometimes attack enemies, but often misses. Interestingly, the dog has HP and can be defeated.
Decoy Whistle: The final Grand Master reward. Makes a sound that will prompt enemies to investigate its source. While fun, this item is kind of pointless if you are skilled enough to get it.
Playable Characters
Unlike later Tenchu titles, Stealth Assassins only features two playable characters. Both characters have access to the same items, missions, and story, but there are a few gameplay differences worth noting. They also have different lines of dialog.
Rikimaru: A male ninja who wields a sword. He is the slower of the two, but makes up for it with good attack range and power.
Ayame: The female ninja, Ayame uses a pair of daggers. She can execute elaborate combos, but it can be difficult to get her attacks to land and her damage per hit is low. Ayame makes up for this with her swiftness. In fact, many stages are easier with her, because she can run up to unaware enemies quickly.
Stealth and the Ki-Meter
The main gimmick of Tenchu: Stealth Assassins is the ability to hide from enemies and kill them quietly. It is often much easier to slay an enemy using stealth than it is to defeat them in a fair fight. Players are also awarded special items for completing missions in a stealthy manner. Pressing against walls, crouching, taking cover behind objects, and sticking to high places are all good ways to remain undetected.
To aid players in locating enemies and hiding, the game uses a “Ki-Meter” that represents the mental state and life force of an enemy. When a foe is near and unaware of the player’s presence, a “?” will appear in the lower left. A small number is displayed alongside the “?”. This number indicates how far away the player is from the enemy. A number like 20 indicates that the player is within sight range, but fairly distant. A reading of 50 means the player is about ten paces from the enemy and a reading of 90 is close enough to bump into the foe. There are also several symbols that may appear on the Ki-Meter as shown below.
Symbol | Status |
? | Enemy does not know of the player’s presence. |
! | The enemy sees the player, but has not identified them as a threat. |
!? | Searching. The enemy has found a body and is looking for threats. Also displays when the enemy has lost track of the player after spotting him or her. |
!! | You have been spotted and the enemy is actively attacking or chasing you. |
2. Hints and Tips
Learning a few tricks and developing good habits early on will greatly improve your odds of success. That said, these are just a few broad hints, more specific stuff about combat and sneaking can be found in the walkthrough section of this guide.
Enable Saving
One of the strange things about Tenchu: Stealth Assassins is that it does not have saving enabled by default. While it is certainly possible to complete the game in a single sitting, doing so with both characters is a different story. Luckily, you can enable the save function by going into the Options menu and toggling it on. This will allow you to record your progress after completing or failing a mission.
Learn how to Fight
It helps to know how to fight in melee combat since you will need to do so with some bosses. You may also want to just hack your way through the game. To attack, press Square. Pressing Square repeatedly will result in a combo that does extra damage. To block, simply hold Down on the D-Pad and you will automatically block incoming melee attacks. You can also cut arrows down with a slash. In general, most fights can be won by merely blocking the enemy’s combos and counter attacking.
The Grenade is Mightier than the Sword
Bosses in Tenchu can be pushovers, but a few of them are fairly tough to defeat in a fair fight. Good thing ninjas fight dirty and have tools like the grenade on hand to even the odds. Even the most powerful bosses are powerless against a grenade to the face.
It takes about a second to toss a grenade and you need only line your ninja up with his or her target to ensure it will make contact with the enemy. Once it touches your foe, the grenade will explode, dealing about 20 points of damage.
It takes a little bit of practice to learn how to line up a grenade toss properly. Make sure your ninja is facing the enemy and has a direct line of sight. Exercise caution when throwing grenades, because you can get caught in the explosion if the enemy is too close. Explosions almost always knock enemies down, so time your grenades so that they hit their victim just after he stands up to keep him from attacking.
Need Items? Repeat the First Mission
Rikimaru and Ayame’s arsenals get restocked a bit every time they successfully complete a mission. This includes items like grenades, medicine, land mines, and caltrops. Even powerful items like Lightfoot and Decoy Scrolls get restocked. The amount of items you get depends on your score, so it’s best to get Grand Master Rank if you want to quickly stockpile goodies.
The first mission is probably the best choice for item farming since the stage is small, there aren’t a lot of guards, and the bosses are easy. After a few tries, you should be able to reliably get Grand Master on the first mission every time you run through it. This should allow you to horde even late game items with little effort.
Dealing with the Random Enemy Arrangements
The placement of enemies in every mission changes when the game is loaded. This makes it difficult to memorize a mission, because a doorway that was unguarded before may have a keen-eyed archer watching over it the next time you play. There are likely several hand made enemy layouts for each mission and the game chooses from them randomly. Obviously, this situation makes it difficult for guide writers like myself to provide players with exact instructions, but there is are a few tricks you can use to make completing missions easier.
-Reset the game if you are having too much trouble with a mission. A more favorable enemy layout may be chosen by the game when you reload.
-Pick “Retry Stage” if you die or get a poor score. Enemy placement does not seem to change when you retry a mission, which makes it possible to memorize where each guard is located.
-Bring poison rice along; it is great for distracting enemies as well as drawing them out of hiding places.
Master the Grappling Hook
Both Ayame and Rikimaru have access to a grappling hook they can use to zip up to high places. The grappling hook is an excellent tool for traveling quickly and avoiding enemies, though guards can spot you if you use it to close to them.
Aiming and deploying the grappling hook is something of an art. Walls, ledges, trees, and just about any other structure can be grappled onto, but it is important to judge height as well as the angle of ascent properly. The grappling hook works best when you are at least four rolls away from the surface you wish to latch onto. It becomes more difficult to grapple onto a surface from very acute and obtuse angles. Failure to properly grapple and zip over to a surface usually results in your ninja falling rather suddenly. Needless to say, a bad fall can result in death. Finally, it’s important to make sure the line of site between your ninja and his target is clear as crashing into a lamp or tree will result in a fall.
Some surfaces are very finicky about being grappled. These include rooftops, steep cliff faces, and wood plank structures to name a few. It takes a bit of practice as well as trial and error to get used to grappling various surfaces. Never be afraid to experiment with the hook, because the results can be surprising.
Last, but not least, it’s useful to understand how to grapple onto a ledge, then hang from it in order to evade patrols. Unfortunately, the process is tricky and takes some practice. Generally, it seems to work best when the hook is aimed a bit under the top of the ledge. Pushing Forward (Up) on the D-Pad also helps. Like just about anything involving the grappling hook, it takes a bit of practice to master grappling and hanging from a ledge, so don’t get discouraged if your first few attempts go poorly.
Poison Rice is a Super Tool
Guards, dogs, and even demons cannot resist a yummy treat and they will casually walk towards any rice ball in their line of sight. Chucking poison rice from a concealed position is a great way to get a pesky guard to move. You can backstab the guard as he walks toward or picks up the rice, then pick it up again to be reused. A single poison rice can be used to kill dozens of enemies in this fashion.
Poison rice can paralyze bad guys if they eat it, so it’s not wasted even if they consume it. A poisoned guard won’t take damage, but it does distract them, allowing you to slay or sneak past them.
Take the High Road
Rooftops, trees, and even high ledges are great places to hide from guards. It’s also very rare for an enemy to be located in high places, so it’s usually safe to run around rooftops.
Have a Fallback Position
Plan out your moves. It’s often best to back away or use the grappling hook to zip over to a safe place after slaying a guard, because anyone nearby may notice the body. Make falling back after a kill a habit and the game will be much less difficult.
Learn How to Deal with Water
Some stages have bodies of water, usually streams, that your ninja can enter. Dipping into a stream will cause a great deal of noise and any nearby foes will be alerted. Luckily, it is difficult for enemies to actually spot the player when he or she is partially submerged, though archers and gunners have a good chance of doing so. This makes water a useful mode of escape as long as you can get to cover. It is also worth noting that enemies cannot swim and will drown if you manage to force them into a body of water.
3. Walkthrough
Below is a mission by mission walkthrough for Tenchu: Stealth Assassins. This was difficult to write, because the arrangement of enemies for any given mission is semi-random, which makes it impossible to give specific instructions. Luckily, I was able to include maps that show important places in the mission to make up for the random enemy placement. A number in parenthesis will often appear in the body of this walkthrough. These numbers refer to points on the map of the current mission. I have also done my best to draw routes for parts of some missions.
3a. Mission 1: Punish the Evil Merchant
Grand Master Reward | Lightfoot Scroll |
Recommended Loadout | Nothing |

This is easy as it gets. I suggest exploring this area and getting used to the gameplay before making an earnest attempt to complete the mission. When you’re ready, use the grappling hook to climb up on the wall across from where Rikimaru/Ayami start (1). Run along the center of the wall until you get to the square building situated next to an L-shaped building (2). Watch the Ki Meter as you run and crouch if you get close to an enemy to ensure they won’t spot you.
Grapple onto the roof of the square building, then continue towards the L-shaped one across from it as shown on the map (3). Remain on the rooftop and look for an opening that leads to an attic. Be careful, there may be a sleeping guard in the attic. Stealth kill the guard, then drop down through the hole to confront Echigoya.
Boss: Hanbe
Don’t underestimate this guy, he may be a wuss, but his sword has long reach. He does not give much of a tell before striking, so play defensively. Hold Down on the D-Pad to back away/block, then combo him after he sheathes his blade. About three combos should end the fight.
Being the coward he is, Echigoya will flee as you battle the body guard. Climb back to the roof (you can quickly grapple onto the hole leading back to the attic) and look for a group of four buildings. Echi-Goya is hiding in the upper left building (4). Take care when entering the building, a guard (possibly several guards and a dog) patrols the area. Take out the guard before entering the building or just rush to the door when he’s not looking.
Boss: Echigoya
Echigoya is incredibly easy. He sports a gun, but it takes him a few seconds to aim and fire. Combo him, jump away, then jump in and combo him again to ensure he won’t get a shot off. The gun can really hurt Rikimaru and Ayami, so try to keep the pressure on Echigoya.
3b. Mission 2: Deliver the Secret Message
Grand Master Reward | Fire-Eater Scroll |
Recommended Loadout | Nothing |

The reward for getting Grand Master in Mission 2 isn’t all that great, especially if you take into account how tricky it can be to do a perfect run of the stage. Consequently, this guide provides a quick route through the mission for those who just want to finish the game as well as instructions on how to get a Grand Master rating.
Completing the Mission Quickly
All you have to do to finish this mission is go from the starting point (1) to the castle on the other side of the bridge (4). Dash through the street that runs through the center of the village and ignore any enemies you come across.
You should be able to outpace any pursuers if you keep moving since they have to stop to attack, though dogs may present a problem. There will be a ninja guarding each end of the bridge (3) before the castle. Just juke past them and continue to the goal. If you are having a tough time running through the main street, you can try going along the rooftops, though these may be guarded as well.
Getting Grand Master
Mission 1 was just practice, the real fun begins here in the second mission. The goal is simple: reach the castle on the other side of the map (4). Too bad there are a bunch of ninjas, dogs, and civilians in between you and the castle.
For starters, grapple onto the building in front of where Rikimaru and Ayame spawn (1), crouch, then check for enemies. The entire area is a maze filled with bad guys whose spawn points vary, so caution is advised. Next, take a look at the map. Your goal is on the east end of the map.
You may notice the village is split into two rows of houses (more or less) with a main street dividing them. Stay on the rooftops and keep out of the light. I like to keep to the northern row of buildings and on the shadowy side of the rooftops.
The ninjas in this area have great vision and can jump onto rooftops, so be alert. If you’re lucky, the rooftops between you and the bridge will be clear of watchers. If not, you’ll encounter several foes. If you’re REALLY unlucky a ninja may suddenly leap onto the rooftop you occupy.
Either slay any ninja you meet on the rooftops or drop down and slip through an alleyway to evade detection. Just make sure there aren’t more enemies on the ground. If you’re really desperate, you can always grapple to the southern row of buildings and follow them east until the coast is clear.
Move quickly and long jump (double tap Forward then hit X) from roof to roof. Stop and look around every few paces. Eventually you will come to a well lit intersection (2). Civilians and one or more bad guys often patrol this intersection, so look around before trying to cross. I usually sneak to the edge of the roof and use the grappling hook to breeze over the well lit street, but it may be easier to run from alley to alley when no one is looking.
Continue east and you will near a bridge. This spot is usually guarded by two ninjas (3). One will be in front of the bridge and the other patrols around some crates or in the nearby alley. It’s wise to eliminate the patrol when he is far away from the bridge, then take out the bridge guard. You can use the crates and even the bridge as cover.
Once the ninjas guarding this area are history, you can either cross the bridge or swim across the stream. A stationary ninja will be watching the other side, but there’s also a chance that a patrol may be there instead. For this reason, I like to hop into the water (which draws attention) swim under the bridge, then climb onto the opposite shore once the Ki Meter is clear.
Once ashore, locate the ninja and either run past him to the castle when he turns his back or stealth kill him. Regardless of how you choose to deal with the last baddie, run over the stone pathway to reach the goal.
3c. Mission 3: Rescue the Captive Ninja
Grand Master Reward | Protection Amulet |
Recommended Loadout | Medicine x2, Poison Rice x2, Shuriken x3, Grenade x5 |

This mission is going to both test and sharpen your skills! Be sure to bring the items listed above. You’ll need shurikens to deal with wolves, poison rice to distract pesky guards, and grenades for the bosses. Medicine is also helpful. As usual, enemy placement is random, so it’s important to remain alert and watch that Ki-Meter. There are also pitfall traps in this mission…needless to say falling into one means an instant Game Over.
You will start out in a gloomy forest (1). It’s easy to get lost here, but you can find the entrance to the cave where your fellow ninja is held by turning around 180°, then running to the eastern wall. Go north and you should see the cave entrance to your right (2). Be wary of wolves and guards as you progress. Remember, it doesn’t count as being spotted if an animal sees Rikimaru or Ayame. A single shuriken will put an end to any wolves you encounter.
Once in the cave, follow the lower path as shown on the map. Stay out of the light and keep your eyes open for soldiers. Use the grappling hook to zip over to guards for easy kills.
A pit is located by a brazier where the path bends (3) about halfway into the cave. Grapple or long jump over it. If a guard is stationed on the other side of the pitfall, wait for him to turn his back, then use a long jump to reach him quickly. Be careful after crossing the pit, because there’s a second one close by.
Once again, there may be a guard on the other side of the second pit, so be ready to crouch. You’ll have to grapple or run over to this guard quickly if you want to kill him without being detected.
After crossing the second pit/dealing with a guard, you will see a door that leads to an intersection (4) that possibly has two guards watching it. Luckily the path leading up to the intersection is a trench. Remain hidden and check the right and left sides of the intersection for guards. You can hang from the edges of the trench and look if you are having difficulty locating enemies. Go east to a narrow path that runs over a chasm while watching out for a guard who often patrols this bridge and look for a passage to the south. Either grapple onto the wall above the passage and press forward while falling to grab the ledge or jump over to it. Regardless of the method you choose, be careful.
Go through the door and very slowly check for more foes. This hallway (5) is often heavily defended, so advance slowly. When you reach another intersection, check for guards to the east and north. Also, you may want to search the side paths in this area for medicine.
Take the path running north (6) and crouch when you draw near to a door. The Ki-Meter should register life nearby. This may be a bear at the end of the passage or it may be a guard that follows a route close to the door. Either way, throw a poison rice ball through the door and wait a few seconds. If there’s a guard in the area, he will eat the rice, which is your chance to finish him off.
Approach the end of the map (7) and you will meet the boss.
Tip: The boss is at the end of the hallway on the other side of the door. A bear also occupies his room and it will assist him in battle. However, you can lure the bear out and defeat it before fighting the boss. The bear is very easy to block and counter despite its high HP, plus being spotted by the beast does not count against your score. Jump around near the slope leading to the the boss chamber to lure the bear out.
Boss: Goo and a bear too!
Goo is a big oaf, but don’t let him fool you: he’s also a powerful fighter. If you didn’t lure the bear out of Goo’s room you’ll have to fight him and the wild animal! Hopefully you brought at least five grenades.
If you’re fighting Goo by himself, line your ninja up with him and toss a grenade. Do so again when he gets back on his feet. Repeat this process until you run out of grenades or the boss dies. You will have to finish him off with your blades if you run out of explosives.
Be prepared to block or do a back-flip after completing a melee combo, because Goo recovers from hits fairly quickly. Lay another trap and repeat. Goo has a long reach and can perform a three piece combo capable of nearly killing Rikimaru or Ayame if all three swipes connect. He can also spin around with his club, throwing your ninja to the ground of it makes contact with them. It’s best to block, then counter Goo if you have to fight him fair and square.
If you were unable to separate Goo from his bear friend you will have to fight them both at the same time. Retreat down the hallway and hope only one of them follows you. Use a grenade to slow one of them down. With any luck, Goo will outpace the bear. If this happens you can just kill Goo to complete the mission since the bear is not a mandatory target.
Note: On rare occasions, Goo is accompanied by a pair of wolves instead of a bear.
3d. Mission 4: Cross the Checkpoint
Grand Master Reward | Sleeping Gas |
Recommended Loadout | Poison Rice x2, Medicine x3, Grenade x5 |

This mission is really hard if you’re going for Grand Master, so I’ve included a basic walkthrough as well as tips for getting Grand Master. That said, the reward (Sleeping Gas) is fairly powerful, so you may want to master this mission and stock up on them.
To simply complete the mission, bring along a few bottles of medicine for fighting the bosses and guards. You’ll also want about five grenades for the second boss.
As I said earlier, this stage is really dangerous and tricky. Enemy soldiers are often stationed close to one another and are more competent than your average guard. As usual, enemy placement varies every time the mission loads and it’s impossible to know where enemy soldiers will be located from game to game. The terrain can also be unforgiving, but there are tree branches you can grapple onto as well as slopes that can be used for cover.
Completing the Mission
While the sleeping gas reward from getting Grand Master rank for this mission is really nice, you may want to do few dry runs before going for it or just finish the mission and move on. After all, this part of Tenchu is fairly tough thanks to all the soldiers. Your ninja will meet a gate guard named Tazu at the very start of the mission (1). Tazu will not let you pass, so you will have to defeat her.
Boss: Tazu
A dual with a gate guard named Tazu kicks off this mission. She wields a naganata, which has a long reach and can strike in wide arcs. Tazu often thrusts, slashes, then follows up with another slash. She may also preform a leaping attack where she points her naganata at the ground before bounding towards the player.
Tazu can be difficult to fight thanks to her long reach, but she tends to be slow. Get used to stepping towards her, then pressing down to block. Get a quick counter attack in when she is finished her combo. If you manage to knock her down (which is easily done by fighting her on the slope near the entrance) you can sometimes attack her as she is getting back up.
Rikimaru is better at fighting Tazu, because his sword has greater range than Ayame’s daggers. His blows also land more reliably, while Ayame tends to overstep the boss with her attacks. If you are fighting Tazu with Ayame, you may want to get one or two slashes in, then back off to avoid putting yourself in a bad position.
Having dealt with Tazu, check the Ki-Meter and wait if you see a “!?”. Grapple up to the wall and look around. The area on the other side of the gate is usually watched by a few guards. There may be one by the rock cliff to the south and one hanging out near or on the scaffolding to the west (2). These soldiers can be archers, swordsmen, and/or spearman. Spearman fight very defensively, so try to press them into corners if you must engage them.
Note the trees in this area. You can latch into the the thick branches with the grappling hook and perch on them. This makes it very easy to slay or even bypass many of the soldiers. Using the trees, make your way north. Once again, this area is heavily guarded, but you can take cover by a small shack and use the tree branches.
Head west again once you reach another cliff face. Be on the look out for even more soldiers. Luring these guys with rice balls is a good way to cut down on the amount of fighting you must do. Eventually you will reach a bridge (3) that is often watched by an archer standing in the middle and another across the stream. Luckily the archer does not patrol (as far as I know) and often turns his back. Follow the cliff side west after crossing the bridge and watch out for another guard nearby (4). You can use the trees here for cover.
Continue along the cliff and you’ll eventually reach a bamboo grove (5). Stay by a small ledge and take out the archer that is usually near the north end of the grove. Use the ledge to hide.
Keep going west through the grove. This place is fairly ninja-friendly, because you can hide behind the bamboo stands even though they look like they do not offer much concealment. Press west (look out for more soldiers and even dogs) until you reach a trench (6). As you may have guessed, this spot is tightly packed with a dog and a couple of patrolling soldiers more often than not. Luckily, you can catch them unawares if you watch them from the high ground and attack when you have an opening. You may also find an item like medicine near the brazier.
After going through the trench you’ll see a pair of watch towers and the second gate in the distance (7). This place is tricky, because there are almost always two soldiers in close proximity to one another. Stay on the margins, using the bamboo to hide and watch how they move around. You’ll probably be able to take one of them out of he roams far away from his buddy. You can also lure a soldier from his post with a yummy poison rice ball. The towers sometimes have grenades or medicine placed on them, so check them out before approaching the second boss.
The boss is on the other side of the gate (8) and you can just rush to him if you wish. In fact, you can often get the soldiers to damage him if you are good at keeping the boss between yourself and them.
Boss: Senjuro Akechi
Senjuro is a really powerful fighter. He can perform long, deadly combos with his swords and often blocks your attacks. As far as I know, he is the only boss that can counterattack and he will often interrupt your combos with a quick double bladed slice.
As impressive as Senjuro may be, he’s no match for a wily ninja. If your brought five grenades as advised, you can simply lob them at him, ending the battle rather quickly and dishonorably. Who needs honor when you’re a ninja? Just time your grenades carefully and make sure he is just a few steps away or you may miss.
For those who want to duel this boss legitimately, the old block and counter trick works best. However, attempting to combo Senjuro at all is ill advised since he can counter. Just take a swipe and back away. This makes the battle take forever, but you can win fairly consistently doing so.
The mission is complete once Senjuro is finished.
Hints for Earning Grand Master
It’s not easy to get the best rank in this mission, but the sleeping gas you will earn from it is a great item. Due to the complexity of the area, it’s not really feasible to give step by step instructions, so I’ll just provide some tips which can be used with the more basic walkthrough above.
– Bring poison rice balls to get enemies to move from their positions.
– Go slowly and fall back to a hiding spot after getting a kill.
– From what I can tell, enemy arrangements do not change if you choose to retry the mission after completing it or dying. This makes it possible to memorize enemy placement, which can make it much easier to get Grand Master.
– Getting spotted once or maybe twice will not necessarily preclude you from earning Grand Master as long as you get a lot of stealth kills.
– Being spotted by animals won’t count against you.
– You can always try this mission later in the game after unlocking other items.
3e. Mission 5: Execute the Corrupt Minister
Grand Master Reward | Ninja Armor |
Recomended Loadout | Medicine x2, Poison Rice x2 |

Unlike the last two missions, this one is a piece of cake…if you know where to go. While luck with guard placement plays a role as usual, you should be able to get Grand Master without much effort. The ninja armor prize earned from Grand Master is extremely helpful, so it’s worth getting even if you are not trying for a perfect game.
Rikimaru/Ayame will start on the southwest corner of the map. You can bypass all of the guards by grappling over to the nearby building (1) and sticking to the rooftops. The grappling hook is fussy about latching onto the roofs in the mission, likely due to the snow, so try moving a bit and re-aiming the hook if you can’t get it to lock on.
Proceed with caution and keep to the middle of the rooftops when possible. You shouldn’t meet guards up here, but there’s always a chance someone may spot you from below. Cross over the covered walkway (2) stealthily as there’s often guards in the courtyards in this area. Follow the rooftops to the northeast (3) to find Minister Kataoka’s body guard standing by a well. Check the area around him before attacking the body guard. There’s often an archer near the stream east of the well and there may be other guards patrolling the hallways around the courtyard. Eliminate them before engaging the body guard or they will spot you and join the fight.
Boss: Kataoka’s Body Guard
The man tasked with defending Kataoka’s life isn’t much tougher than your ordinary guard. Nor is he very dedicated to his job since he will surrender when his HP drops to 50 or lower.
You will have to fight him no matter what, but he uses a basic katana moveset with a wide slash and thrust added in for flavor. Don’t underestimate this guy, because he can land deadly combos. However, simply blocking and countering him works fine. I would not waste any grenades or land mines on this boss. Watch out for other guards who may spot you and join the party while you are busy with this boss. Hopefully you cleared any foes from the surrounding area before talking to the body guard since being found by one of them in battle still counts as being spotted.
Note: It’s possible to hide from this boss after initiating combat. He goes into search mode and seems to remain alert permanently, so it’s unlikely you can stealth kill him.
After the scene with the body guard, quickly grapple back onto the roof and head west to a small enclosure (4). Be careful, because you’ll have to cross a gap in the buildings which is often watched by a guard or civilian. If you are playing as Ayame you will have to fight Kataoka. For Rikimaru the mission will end in a cutscene.
Boss: Kataoka (Ayame Only)
This mission is unique for Ayame in that she will have to fight Kataoka while Rikimaru will not. Kataoka is an expert archer who can fire three arrows in rapid succession. It takes him a moment to prepare a volley, which is Ayame’s chance to rush in and slash at the minister. Kataoka is not much good in close quarters and will only be able to block occasionally. He will also try to back away, which (ironically) solves the problem Ayame has with overstepping her targets in combat. A few good combos will teach Kataoka a lesson he’ll remember for the rest of what remains of his life.
3f. Mission 6: Infiltrate the Manji Cult
Grand Master Reward | Shadow Decoy |
Recommended Loadout | Medicine x2, Ninja Armor, Poison Rice, Grenades x5 (Optional) |

Tenchu starts to get freaky in Mission 6 as our heroic ninjas encounter supernatural creatures. Don’t worry though, a knife in the back puts these new foes down just as well as it does regular humans. Demon’s are quick to spot ninjas and can breathe fire, so advance cautiously when you hear their tell-tale cries.
Bring a medicine or two along, because you’ll have to battle a pair of bosses. A rice ball can also be helpful in distracting guards. The ninja armor is smart to bring along too. Of course, a few grenades will make the bosses trivial, but both of them are easy to defeat with blades.
The mission starts at a long staircase (1) that is often watched by glaive wielding cultists. Climb the stairs in stealth mode and use the slope to stay concealed. The cultists will eventually turn their backs… you know what to do when that happens.
Grapple onto the roof when you reach the gate (2) and run along the inner part of the roof following the path drawn on the map. Crouch and sneak if you get a reading on your Ki-Meter; archers sometimes keep a lookout on top of the wall. In fact, there’s often an archer by the main building. Be sure to fall back to a safe spot and wait after dealing with any guards on the walls, because there may be highly observant demons nearby.
The entrance to the building that houses the statue you were sent to investigate (3) almost always has a guard stationed at the door. There may also be a demon shambling around to the south. Look for a tree to the left (if you are facing the building) then grapple to the wall and drop down. You can hide behind the tree and strike the guard when the opportunity presents itself. Either run into the building and hide or grapple back onto the wall you came from in case an enemy notices the dead guard. You may also want to check the area and use poison rice balls to lure out any foes.
Note: If the area is clear of other enemies you can just drop down and dispatch the cultist. Take care when opening the door, there may be a guard by the statue.
Go through the big doors and you will see a hideous statue (4). This room is almost certainly guarded by a cultist and/or a demon. There may be several enemies in here depending on your luck, so carefully check around. The enemies will most likely be on the walkways above the first floor and you will need to grapple up to reach them. Try to aim the grappling hook at the lower part of the walkways so Rikimaru/Ayame will hang from the ledge rather then pull themselves up. This will make slaying any enemies on the walkways much easier.
Do not jump on top of the statue’s head until you’ve cleared the room of enemies. A boss will appear once you touch the head of the statue and you’ll likely alert anything you left alive during the fight.
Boss: On
The head cultist, On, is one strange duck. She uses a fan-like weapon and can perform long combos as well as a leaping attack. Despite her flashy moves, she’s not much of a fighter and you can just use the old “block and counter” method to defeat her. On is slow, so back off and use medicine to heal if needed. Be patient in this fight, because you’ll have to battle another boss once she is down.
Onikage will pop out of nowhere after you defeat On, so be ready for him.
Boss: Onikage
You may remember this mysterious fellow from the third mission. Unlike last time, Onikage will actually fight you. Don’t let the 200 HP he has scare you, he’ll run away once he’s down to 100 HP.
Onikage holds back in this encounter and will only perform a single kick most of the time. He’s fast and does a decent amount of damage, so be cautious. Blocking and countering works well as always. You can also use a few grenades on him to speed up the fight. Run as far from this boss as you can if you need to heal, because he will catch up quickly.
3g. Mission 7: Destroy the Foreign Pirate
Grand Master Reward | Resurrection Leaf |
Recommended Loadout | Medicine x2, Poison Rice x2 |

If you’ve ever wondered how ninjas would fare against pirates, here’s an opportunity to find out. The pirates in this level are not the rum addled, scurvy dogs you may expect either. They are alert, competent fighters who can spot you from a fair distance. The gunners are particularly good at spotting ninjas, so use all of the stealth tricks you’ve learned this far.
The map for this mission is fairly big, but there is a very direct and short route you can take. Bring a bit of medicine and some poison rice balls along. Ninja armor also helps. You shouldn’t need any grenades for the boss.
Ayame/Rikimaru will start near a bridge (1). Ignore the bridge, which is probably guarded, and head down to the river bank (2), but do not jump into the water. Grapple onto the roof of the building (3) on the other side of the river instead. Look around before using the grappling hook and wait for any enemies that may be nearby to look away before deploying it.
Once on the roof, had south towards the docks where two ships are located. Remain on the last rooftop and look for enemies below. The should be at least one pirate in the area, usually near the trees or alley way. Throw a rice ball to lure the pirate or into the open, then eliminate him quickly. Hasten back to the roof (4) after slaying the pirate, because their may be more nearby. Deal with any other pirates that may be close by using the poison rice ball method.
Make your way south to the larger ship (5) and use the wall for cover as you approach. A gangplank leads from the dock to the ship, but it is almost certainly guarded. You’ll have to kill the pirate watching the gangplank if you want to complete the mission without being spotted. He usually turns his back on the player, so it should be easy to get rid of him then board the ship where the boss awaits.
Note: The pirate watching over the ship is sometimes a gunner. You cannot sneak up on him from the wall and will have to approach from the behind the wall if you want to kill him undetected.
Boss: Captain Bulmer
Bulmer is a fairly easy boss to beat with normal weapons. He has a double thrust attack, a hook swipe, and a lunging downward chop. All of these moves are slow and easy to block, then counter.
The real trick to this fight is not getting spotted by any other pirates that may still be nearby if you want Grand Master. Try to fight Bulmer near gangplank where it’s less likely you will be seen. Fall back to the gangplank and wait for him to approach you if you knock him backwards.
3h. Mission 8: Cure the Princess
Grand Master Reward | Chameleon Spell |
Recommended Loadout | Poison Rice x5, Shuriken x4, Medicine x2 (Optional), Ninja Armor |

The eighth stage can be challenging thanks to the mountain demons that roam the rough terrain and deadly pitfalls. Concealment and careful scouting are key if you want to survive, because the mountain demons are some of the best fighters in the game. Luckily, these creatures are not above munching on random rice balls they find on the ground, so make use of the poison rice. Ninja armor and medicine also help. There is no boss at the end of this mission, so do not worry about bringing grenades along.
Completing the Mission
The stage begins in a wooded area (1) that is home to demons and dogs. Unlike most missions, there is no shortcut to the goal and you are best off killing everything you see. Use the trees for cover and sneak up slowly to stealth kill any demons you run across. Demons are very good fighters, so it’s safest to stealth kill them when possible.
Use poison rice to trick on hard to reach demons, just be aware that the rice balls tend to roll downhill. Get rid of any dogs you see with a shuriken before they can alert their demonic masters. Beware the cliff on the southern end of the map; falling from it will kill you.
Make your way up to the entrance to a narrow pass (2) and be on the lookout for a demon guarding the ledge. Go along the narrow ledge while keeping an eye out for enemies. After a few moments you will reach a stone bridge (3). Go into stealth mode and check the bridge for enemies. If you spy a demon patrolling the bridge, go further down the path, take out any demons you encounter, then use the grappling hook to cross the chasm. If the bridge is clear, you may still want to get rid of any demons at the end of the narrow ledge just to be safe.
Carefully make your way to point (4) on the map and face north. You should see a path cut into the cliff face. Check for enemies, then climb up. After climbing onto the path, face east (to the right of you are facing the waterfall) and you will see another passage cut into the stone. A guard likely watches over this passage, so wait for him by hanging from the wall, then take him down when he is exposed. Enter the cave-like area and continue to where the tunnel bends (5). Check around the corner for more guards.
After going through the tunnel you will be outside again. Climb up to a small outcrop with a tree on it (be wary of demons the entire time) and go around the bend where you will cross over the top of the waterfall. Step between the two waterfalls and you’ll see another ledge above you (6). This area is almost certainly guarded, so hang from the cliff at the end of the path and look around. Finish off any demons you see.
Climb up to the top of the outcrop of stone and you should see another waterfall to the north. Look up and to the right while facing the waterfall to find another tunnel above the spot marked 6 on the map. You should be able grapple to the tunnel. A stream runs through this passage and it is certainly guarded, so do not run blindly into it. This is a good place to draw out the guard with poison rice.
Follow the stream uphill to a seeming dead end (7). Crouch and look for a tunnel just above the end of the stream. Watch the tunnel carefully since it is likely guarded and head through it after dealing with the sentry. If you check the map you’ll note that this tunnel is actually out of bounds.
You’ll come to another step up on this tunnel, once again it’s guarded, so take your time. Follow the passage and crouch when you get to a corner. The herb (8) is just ahead, but you’ll likely have to slay one last demon before grabbing it.
Hints for Earning Grand Master
The demons who protect this mountain are quick to identify intruders. They are also placed in deviously, which makes it difficult to locate them. Go slowly and use stealth. Look around the moment you get a reading on the Ki-Meter and reposition yourself if you are unable to get a visual on the enemy. As usual, poison rice is great for luring difficult to reach or hidden foes into the open.
3i. Mission 9: Reclaim the Castle
Grand Master Reward | Dog Bone |
Recommended Loadout | Medicine x2, Grenade x5, Ninja Armor |

Despite being so late in the game, the ninth mission is almost as easy as the first. This is mostly thanks to a trick I found that makes it possible to bypass much of the stage, which is filled with powerful demonic warriors.
To get started, grapple onto the wall near the starting point (1) and make your way along the west side of the wall. Crouch to sneak past or execute the guard on the bridge below.
Run west a bit, then grapple onto the peaked roof (2) above. You may want to wait for the guard in the courtyard to turn his back before grappling since there’s a good chance he’ll see you attempting to zip up to the roof. It can be tricky to latch onto the roof due to its height, so get close to it before trying to use the hook.
Look to your left after pulling yourself up to the top of the roof and you should see the castle tower (3). Once again, use the grappling hook to zip over to the tower.
This next part can be a bit difficult to pull off. Look up and you will see another tier of the castle roof, which is lined with spikes. The spikes can’t hurt you, but they make it hard to climb onto the rooftop. Aim the grappling hook as close to the edge of the spiked roof as you can and press Forward after deploying the hook. With any luck, Ayame/Rikimaru will start to haul themselves up. Keep holding Forward on the D-Pad while your ninja pulls himself up. He should clip through the spikes and end up standing on the roof. Now you can run to the center of the tower (4) where the boss is hanging out.
Boss: Onikage
This is a weird boss fight. The terrain makes it easy for the player and Oinkage to fall. This is also a boss where Ayame has an easier to landing combos than Rikimaru, because Onikage seems to rush Rikimaru more frequently.
As for Onikage, he’s one of the best fighters in the game. His kicks have wide sweeping arcs and he can deal a lot of damage with his combos. As always, playing defensively pays off. Hopefully you took my advice and brought the ninja armor along. Onikage has 200 HP and tends to use medicine when he is down to about 100 HP. Luckily, he only has one medicine bottle and you can knock it out of his hands as he attempts to drink it.
Not surprisingly, grenades work wonders in this match as long as you use them wisely. Whittle Onikage’s health down a bit with melee attacks, then start chucking grenades at him. While the five grenades I suggest bringing aren’t enough to outright kill this boss, they work pretty well when combined with melee, because you have to position this boss carefully. Throwing a grenade when Onikage is near the edge of the roof or the stairs is not a good idea. The blast will throw him off the roof or into the stairwell, possibly alerting more enemies. At any rate, fight Onikage carefully and you should win. He tends to block a lot and can attack quickly, so do not get greedy. Use a grenade to temporarily disable Onikage if you need to heal.
3j. Mission 10: Rescue the Princess
Grand Master Reward | Decoy Whistle |
Recommended Loadout | Medicine x4, Grenade x8, Ninja Armor, Poison Rice |

Here it is, the final (and hardest) mission in Tenchu: Stealth Assassins. I’ll be straightforward here: Getting Grand Master is not worth the headache unless you are a perfectionist. The prize you get is pointless, because there’s no tougher stage and you can get Grand Master for any mission if you can do it for this one.
With this in mind, I suggest wearing the ninja armor, loading up on grenades, and bringing some poison rice to trick a few enemies. Just hack your way through areas where you get caught and sneak to cut down on the amount of medicine you need. For those who are truly determined to achieve Grand Master, I’ve included some tips after the stage walkthrough.
Completing the Mission
The nightmare begins on a long series of steps (1) which are guarded at varying points. As usual, enemy placement is random and you’ll have to stay alert at all times. Speaking of enemies, the demons in this stage are very good at detecting ninjas. Take care when approaching the first gate (2) it’s often guarded by a demon on each side. Use the statues as cover. Continue east after you clear the gate and you’ll come to a bridge (3).
The bridge is always home to several enemies, usually dogs and archers. Several small islands are located in the stream with the northern one acting as a lookout spot for a demonic archer. Sneak over to the southern side of the bridge, grab onto the ledge, then shimmy to the other side. You may see some medicine on a small island. If you want it, drop into the water when you reach one of the bridge’s supports and swim over to it once the “!?” on the Ki-Meter goes away.
The area just beyond the bridge (4) is usually guarded by an archer to the north and a spearman to the south. Try to locate the archer and sneak attack him first, then deal with the spearman. Make sure you clear this area of foes, because the next spot is packed with demons.
A courtyard populated with a small army of demonic soldiers, dogs, and the fire-breathing ghouls from mission six is on the other side of the double doors (5). The number of bad guys in this courtyard varies, but I’ve seen as many as six in some runs.
Use the pillars in the area to conceal yourself and fall back to a hiding place as quickly as possible after a kill. It’s fine to fight your way through this part of the stage, just don’t attract too many enemies. If someone spots you fall back and fight them, otherwise you may end up trying to battle three or four demons at once. Heal up before going through the doors at the east end of the courtyard (6), because there is a boss on the other side.
Boss: Onikage
Onikage does not have any new tricks, but this fight is still dangerous. You will want to conserve your grenades and medicine for the final boss, so you’ll have to fight Onikage fair and square. The block and counter technique works well in this fight. Let Onikage come to you and strike him when he is finished his combo, then start blocking. Patience pays off in this fight and you’ll finish Onikage off without losing much health if you are careful.
Your ninja will slice through a stone block and drop into a cave system (7) after beating Onikage. Proceed through the tunnel carefully and watch the patterns of any guards you see before trying to eliminate them. Look for nooks in the tunnel as you explore; they sometimes contain items like grenades or medicine.
After a short trip you will arrive at a shallow pit (8) that is likely patrolled by a demon. Take out the demon and drop into the pit. You can also use the pit as a hiding spot. The pit leads to an area with several paths. Many of these paths are guarded and I recommend slaying the demons that guard them to prevent problems from cropping up as you explore.
All of the paths lead to dead ends or a stream of lava. While the loading screen states that lava is deadly, it will not kill you instantly if you touch it. That said, lava does around 20 damage after a few seconds and your ninja’s cries of agony may alert any foes in the vicinity.
Follow the lava stream to an area where it turns off into a pit (9) and go down the tunnel heading west. After a short trip you’ll come to another lava stream in a hallway with several passages on the left. Demons often watch over the passageways so sneak past them carefully or get rid of the creatures. Go down to the third passage (10) and follow it deeper into the cavern.
You’ll reach another lava stream that often has a guard walking around nearby. Try distracting the guard with poison rice. After taking out the guard, go down the hallway running south as shown on the map. There may be a demon in a small passage with a lava-fall, so be cautious. A medicine bottle or other item may also be placed by the lava-fall.
Take care when going down the long ramp (11), because it is often guarded by a patrolling demon. The ramp ends in a large chamber with a narrow walkway and a lava river running through it. Guards are posted in the chamber, but they are not hard to deal with if you watch them.
Jump over to yet another tunnel (12). Drop into the hole and follow the path to a lava pit. While this may seem daunting, you can jump over the pit fairly easily if you get a running start and push Right on the D-Pad to reach the doorway on the other side. After crossing the pit a cutscene will play and you can fall down the hole (13) to fight the last boss. Heal up beforehand.
Boss: Mei-Oh
Mei-Oh is certainly worthy of his role as final boss. He can fire lightning that strikes the ground in front of him by raising his sword. He can also perform a swift and devastating charge across the chamber. If you get close to him, he will often teleport away or slash with his sword. To top it all off he has about 250 HP.
All of these moves make Mei-Oh seem like a tough boss, but none of them matter if you have about eight grenades. Backflip away from Mei-Oh at the start of the fight, then position yourself to throw a grenade at him. The explosion will knock him over. Reposition yourself so you are not too close or far from Mei-Oh (about the distance of a normal jump works) then throw another grenade just after he gets up. Mei-Oh will be stunlocked and unable to do anything until you finish off as long as you keep chucking grenades.
If you run out of grenades or want to fight him fairly, you’ll have to run circles around him. Doing so makes it hard for him to hit you with his charge attack and lightning. Strike him with a combo after he charges. Keep the process up until you slay him. Watch your HP and use medicine if you get below 50. Mei-Oh’s attacks are powerful and can kill you quickly.
With Mei-Oh defeated you are free to enjoy the final movie! Congratulations on beating Tenchu: Stealth Assassins!
Hints for Earning Grand Master
As I said earlier, getting Grand Master isn’t really worth the effort unless you’re a completionist. The game is over after the tenth stage and the prize (Decoy Whistle) is redundant if you are skilled enough to conquer this mission.
The main problem is the enemy layout. Expect any section of the stage to have at least two or three enemies in it. Bad guys in this stage have keen eyesight and are often placed in inconvenient places. Worse yet, it can be very difficult to judge how many demons are in an area, because the Ki-Meter only indicates the proximity and mental state of a single foe. Consequently, it took me something like twenty attempts to get Grand Master for both Ayame and Rikimaru. Here’s a few tips…
-Some enemy setups are more difficult to deal with than others. Try resetting the game if you are finding it too difficult to deal with the current enemy layout.
-Guards will leave their posts if they see, but cannot identify you as shown by an “!” on the Ki-Meter. If you are patient and good at rolling you can draw an enemy far from his post. This can cause strange glitches like enemies despawning or respawning, but it’s often a useful tool for dealing with foes in crowded areas.
-While I prefer poison rice balls (they are reusable) you may want to swap them with sleeping gas or the chameleon spell. Just be aware that dogs are not fooled by the chameleon spell.
-You can get spotted two or three times and still get Grand Master if you stealth kill enough guards. Dogs do not count against your score if they see you. Remember this and do not restart the stage if you make a small mistake.
4. References
This walkthrough is based almost entirely on my own knowledge of the game and other titles in the Tenchu series. However, I did check my findings against another guide and referred to the Tenchu Wiki for boss names. Both sources are worth looking at.
Here’s Akishan’s walkthrough on Gamefaqs, which I checked my own work against:
I used the Tenchu Wiki to get the names of the bosses:
Thank you for using my Tenchu: Stealth Assassins Guide!
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